Join It Features

Membership management features you shouldn't have to live without.

Product view of a Membership Record within Join It
stripe logo

Process Member Payments

Using our partner, Stripe, securely process payments, and check out their extensive suite of reporting and analytics to keep track of your finances.

an illustrated membership card

Digital Membership Cards

Digital membership cards are a great way to give members additional benefits, check-in members at the venue, or foster a sense of community.

an illustrated envelope with a megaphone

Targeted Member Emails

Send ad hoc emails to individuals or groups of members based on a set of criteria, like membership status.

an illustration of a spreadsheet

Members Table

Search, sort, and filter through your members. We’ve included an array of useful criteria to apply that allows you to analyze your membership. It’s also easy to export a table to CSV too!

Members Timeline

Keep up to date with recent actions taken by members. Logged events span member payments, event attendance, email list additions, and more!

an illustrated website alert with an X button

Failed Payments Notifications

Join It will automatically inform a member if a payment attempt failed, encouraging to try to make their membership purchase again.

An illustrated calendar with an alarm bell

Automated Renewal Reminders

Remind members of an upcoming expiration date, automatically. No more manual tracking and sending these common emails.

an illustrated event ticket

Event Ticketing & Management

Through our integration with Eventbrite, automatically create promotion codes for your members and inform members of upcoming events.

an illustrated email icon

Sync Email Lists

Keep your email marketing lists up to date in one of our popular email communication partners. Membership newsletters have never been easier.


Tools to Run Your Organization

Get started
"Join It was recommended by our website developer for managing memberships to our nonprofit organization. The website developer set up a lot of the links for us, but it was easy for our board of directors to learn how to use the software. Join It provides prompt and excellent feedback when we submit questions using the chat feature."
Sharon B.
February 19th, 2021

Annual plans get a 10% discount and nonprofit organizations qualify for an additional 10% discount.

Dot gradient
Starter Package
Collect custom fields
Unlimited automations
1 admin seat included
Up to 500 members
3% service fee for online transactions
Fingerprint background icon
Growth Package
Admin-only custom fields
Member directory
3 admin seats included
Everything in Starter
Up to 1,500 members
2.5% service fee for online transactions
Star hash background icon
Total Package
Digital membership cards
Embedable purchase widget
removed Join It branding
QR code check-in
5 admin seats included
Everything in Growth
Up to 5,000 members
2% service fee for online transactions
Arrow hash background icon
Extra Package
10 admin seats included
Everything in Total
Up to 15,000 members
1.5% service fee for online transactions

Annual plans get a 10% discount and nonprofit organizations qualify for an additional 10% discount.

Dot gradient
Starter Package
Collect custom fields
Unlimited automations
1 admin seat included
Up to 500 members
3% service fee for online transactions
Fingerprint background icon
Growth Package
Admin-only custom fields
Member directory
3 admin seats included
Everything in Starter
Up to 1,500 members
2.5% service fee for online transactions
Star hash background icon
Total Package
Digital membership cards
Embedable purchase widget
removed Join It branding
QR code check-in
5 admin seats included
Everything in Growth
Up to 5,000 members
2% service fee for online transactions
Arrow hash background icon
Extra Package
10 admin seats included
Everything in Total
Up to 15,000 members
1.5% service fee for online transactions
Any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there discounts available?
What currency are the prices for the Packages listed in?
Can my organization collect donations with Join It? 
Why does Join It charge a service fee? 
How is Join It's service fee different from Stripe's payment processing fee?Â