Sync Member Database to Zapier



Sync members via Zapier

Sync your members to Zapier so that you can automate your processes and remove any manual work. Join It is a simple to use member database to help you sell, track, and manage your members.

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Enabled via Zapier*
*For integrations that are done via 3rd party connectors, our support and knowledge of these connecting services can be limited.
Powerful Connection

Zapier is the web's most popular and powerful way to connect two independent software platforms.

This means that you can connect your Join It member database to 1000s of other software platforms by using Zapier.

Automations for every action

Within Zapier, Join It provides 4 different trigger events:

  • Memberships Created
  • Memberships Inactive
  • Memberships Updated
  • Memberships Renewal

You can add these trigger events in a Zap to automate actions on other platforms. Additionally, Join It now allows you to map both Custom Fields and Admin-only fields when syncing data, giving you more flexibility in how you manage and share member information across different platforms.


Browse All Of Our Integrations


Annual plans get a 10% discount and nonprofit organizations qualify for an additional 10% discount.

Dot gradient
Starter Package
Collect custom fields
Unlimited automations
1 admin seat included
Up to 500 members
3% service fee for online transactions
Fingerprint background icon
Growth Package
Admin-only custom fields
Member directory
3 admin seats included
Everything in Starter
Up to 1,500 members
2.5% service fee for online transactions
Star hash background icon
Total Package
Digital membership cards
Embedable purchase widget
removed Join It branding
QR code check-in
5 admin seats included
Everything in Growth
Up to 5,000 members
2% service fee for online transactions
Arrow hash background icon
Extra Package
10 admin seats included
Everything in Total
Up to 15,000 members
1.5% service fee for online transactions

Annual plans get a 10% discount and nonprofit organizations qualify for an additional 10% discount.

Dot gradient
Starter Package
Collect custom fields
Unlimited automations
1 admin seat included
Up to 500 members
3% service fee for online transactions
Fingerprint background icon
Growth Package
Admin-only custom fields
Member directory
3 admin seats included
Everything in Starter
Up to 1,500 members
2.5% service fee for online transactions
Star hash background icon
Total Package
Digital membership cards
Embedable purchase widget
removed Join It branding
QR code check-in
5 admin seats included
Everything in Growth
Up to 5,000 members
2% service fee for online transactions
Arrow hash background icon
Extra Package
10 admin seats included
Everything in Total
Up to 15,000 members
1.5% service fee for online transactions