Note: Since this article was written, we've launched additional features for Membership Management with Eventbrite. To view the most up-to-date information, visit this article in our Help Center. And of course, if you have any questions -- then don't hesitate to contact us!
The first step is to set up your Eventbrite account and respective Eventbrite events. The event creation process on Eventbrite is quick and intuitive, but for additional help, you can read this article.
If you haven't already, you will be walked through a quick onboarding process for Join It. During this process, you will fill out basic information on your Organization and create your first membership type. Once this is complete, you can add your first member or create additional membership types.
Lastly, create the 'sync' between Eventbrite and Join It. This step configures the discount or access that you want your members to receive for your Eventbrite events.
There are two options, you can create a discount equal to a fixed dollar amount (such as $5.00 off) or you can create a discount that is equal to a percentage amount (such as 5.00% off).
Note: As soon as you create a sync for the first time, all of your existing members will have discount codes created for that respective events. Additionally, after a sync has been created, any new members will have discount codes created for previously created syncs.
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