The most efficient way to reach us and get answers is to use our chat widget in the lower righthand corner of your screen.
Our helpful support team looks forward to getting your questions answered.
We'd love to chat and make sure you get your questions answered! The easiest way to reach out is through our chat widget, but if you'd like to email us instead - you can do so through these emails:
Yes! We offer two discounts, which can be combined, to make our service more affordable. We offer 10% off for non-profits and 10% off for choosing an annual plan.
United States Dollar (USD). While Join It serves customers from over 40 different countries. All of Join It's pricing is listed in USD.
Yes! Depending on the needs of your organization, there are a handful of ways that Join It can support collecting donations.
Join It charges a Service Fee in addition to our monthly packages in order to keep our packages as low as possible and accessible to organizations of all sizes. With this approach, larger organizations, who use the service to process more memberships, end up paying a bit more. Additionally, it aligns Join It and our organizations, so that we're not making money unless you're selling memberships.
The Join It Service Fee is small service fee when you collect an online membership payment through our platform. This is separate from the payment processing fee that is charged by Stripe, which is the behind-the-scenes platforms that facilitates the processing of payments.