In December 2023, we've summarized this popular article in a YouTube video. In the process, we re-analyzed the market and added an improved template.
Someone found your club or organization, has been attracted to who you are and what you offer, and signed up to become a member. That's great news! Now it's time to welcome them, make a positive first impression, and steer them along their journey towards becoming a full-fledged member of your community.
In this guide, we'll show you how to use email to welcome new members, share our tips on writing the perfect welcome email, and suggest other ways to make your newest associates feel at home.
How to Welcome New Members Using Email
Email remains a popular tool to help with onboarding for clubs and organizations worldwide. People can get quick confirmation of their membership and start enjoying the benefits of being a member right away without waiting for a letter in the mail. Plus, you can incorporate an automated text message system alongside your emails to pack the most punch as you try to communicate with new members.
You can add a welcome message with a personalized approach; for example, if your audience is younger, you can use Gen Z slang words like "Hey, fam!" or "Welcome aboard, bestie!" to connect with your audience.
With email being such a valuable tool in welcoming new members, getting it right can feel confusing. Here's our guide for using email to welcome new members the right way.
Use a Personalized Email Subject Line
One of the best ways to immediately make your new members feel welcome is to personalize your email to them. Start this with a personalized email subject line that lets them know you're getting in touch to confirm their membership.
Before they even read your welcome message, they know that it's good news and that you've taken the time to send something beyond a generic confirmation statement. Plus, emails with personalized subject lines enjoy a 26% boost in open rates.
Confirm They're a Member
The goal of your welcome email to new members should be to confirm their membership, so make this clear. Using straightforward language, like "Congratulations on joining us as a member" or "Welcome to our group as a new member," keeps things simple and lets your recipient know they've been successful.
You want to make it clear they're the newest member of your club or organization with a warm welcome. This step can be more manageable with membership management software that integrates with your email marketing provider.
Include All the Important Details
Along with welcoming your new member, you'll want to ensure they have all the details they need for their records. Include confirmation of their membership type, level, and duration, as well as when their membership is due for renewal.
You can even include a prompt to encourage them to make a note to renew in their schedule, or you can offer auto-renewal as an option. It's also a good idea to include any login details or prompt your new member to create an account with a link to your members-only area.

A warm welcome goes a long way. With Join It, you can send personalized messages, share key updates, and make every new member feel at home from day one.
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Reinforce the Value of Their Membership
Even if you confirm their membership quickly, chances are your new signup may have forgotten about some or all of the benefits of being a member. Your welcome email is an excellent place to give them a snapshot of the value of being part of your club or organization. Keep it short and sweet, and focus on the benefits to them as individuals, like the ability to access exclusive discounts or participate in upcoming events.
Include Links to Help Them Get Familiarized
Navigating your club or group's website can be daunting when you’re new. Make it easy for new members by providing valuable links to online resources.
If there's a members-only area, include a link to it along with a suggestion they create an account and update their profile. It's also a good idea to feature links to your website’s key areas, like your event calendar, member directory, and introductory video, if you have one.
Share More About Your Organization or Club
While your members can find out more about you on your website, it doesn't hurt to share some of this information in your welcome email too. Include a few lines about your organization, what you do, and why you do it. This can help new members feel aligned with your purpose and be inspired to take action or encourage them to look for ways to become more involved in what you do.
Give Them a Way to Use Their Member Benefits Right Away
Joining a club or organization can be an exciting time. Chances are, your new members are eager to get involved and become a fully-fledged part of the club. At the same time, being faced with many options can be overwhelming.
Include a simple tip or suggestion in your email to help them get started. This could be anything from asking members to register for their first event or suggesting an exclusive new member discount they can use right away.
Let Your Members Know When They'll Hear From You
Lastly, close your email with clarity by letting your new member know what happens next. Tell them if you're planning to email them shortly with an event invitation, or tell them to expect their membership card in the mail. You can also let your new members know when your next newsletter or publication will be available and encourage them to contribute if that's something you offer.
Tips for Writing Your Welcome Email
Now that you're familiar with what to include in your email to welcome new members, it's time to look at how to write it. Follow our tips and suggestions to write an email that says "welcome aboard" in style.
Make Your New Members Feel Welcome
We all want to feel welcomed and appreciated, especially when coming into a new club or organization. Take the time to think about how your new members may be feeling and write authentically and warmly. It also helps to keep your language simple and clear. Remember that your process is new to this member!
Offer Your Help and Be Visible
Make sure you're creating a culture where questions are welcome and support is readily available right from the start. Send your welcome email from a visible person who can reply to emails and offer help. Avoid using a generic sign-off and stay clear of a no-reply email — you want your new members to feel like they can reach you whenever they need to.
Although you're communicating via email, offering members different ways to contact you doesn’t hurt. Include a phone number or a live chat option if that's available to them.
Stay True to Your Brand and Culture
Emails that welcome new members can either be stiff and formal or too full of fluff for some members' taste. Stay true to your brand and the language you use already to stay on track. That way, members know what to expect, and they won't be surprised by a change in tone the next time you email them.
Survey Your Current Members for Ideas
If you're not sure how to compose your welcome email or want ideas on what to include, survey some of your recent members. They've just been through the process, so it's fresh in their minds, making them a useful source of feedback and suggestions. You could even include a testimonial or quote from a recent member in your welcome email as a "welcome to our group" feature.
Schedule Future Emails
Once you've sent your welcome email, it can be tempting to think it's all over. Avoid this temptation, and take some time to create a series of emails for your new members. With a regular weekly or monthly series, you could introduce new members to your group and help them get familiar with how things work. You'll also want to make sure they're on your regular mailing list if that's something they've signed up for.
Other Ways to Welcome New Members
We believe that a strong, intentional welcome email is one of the best ways to make your new members feel like they're part of the club. But every great membership strategy has more than one string in its bow, so here are some other popular ways to welcome new members.
Send a Personalized Welcome Letter and Membership Card
There's something about receiving personalized mail that makes people smile. If you're sending membership cards to members, they're likely to receive a letter alongside it, so consider how you'd like to word this. You could opt for a generic template, personalized with their name and details, or change it up and go for a handwritten welcome note.
Send a Welcome Gift in the Mail
Along with letters, welcome gifts are a popular way to welcome new members. It's common to see a welcome gift listed as one of the benefits, but you could also keep this a surprise for added delight. There's a welcome gift to suit most budgets and organizations, from personalized pens to hampers full of local treats.
Host a New Members Event
Attending a networking or training event as a new member can be daunting, especially if you don't know any other members yet. To help break the ice, you could host a new members event every few months to welcome and celebrate your latest associates.
If hosting a separate event doesn't suit your club or group, try a networking session at one of your current events. Have someone on hand to help guide and support new members.
Offer a Welcome Meeting or Call
Even if you think your welcome email contains everything a new member needs, there's always something that pops up or some question you haven't considered. To help your new members feel supported, offer a welcome meeting or call a few weeks after their join date to help them feel like they're part of the club. It's a great chance to get to know your new members and support them with any queries they might have.
Have a New Member Spotlight on Your Website or Newsletter
A great way to welcome new members is to dedicate a feature to them on your website or in your newsletter. This not only helps your most recent associates feel welcome, but it also gives current members a chance to get to know the new people and forge new connections.
Set up a Buddy System
Most of us are familiar with a buddy or mentor system from school or college days, but they work equally well for clubs and organizations. Survey your group members and see if this is something they'd participate in. If so, introduce a mentor or buddy system for new members and pair them up with someone who can show them around and help them feel welcome. This can increase member engagement and member retention, giving existing members a new way to contribute to the group.
Free Welcome Email Template for New Members
If you're not sure how to start your email to welcome new members, here's a template we've created! You can use this as a guide to build your email and change sections to suit your needs.
Dear {First Name},
Thank you so much for joining {club name} as one of our newest members. It's a pleasure to welcome you to our group!
You'll find our members area at {link} where you'll be prompted to create an account using this email address: {the new member's email address}. Once you've signed up, you'll be able to update your profile and add your details to our members' directory.
As a new member, you've unlocked several membership benefits, including:
- {list of membership benefits}
To access and use your benefits, head to {membership area link}.
At {club name}, our motto is {motto or mission statement}. To help you get started on your journey, you'll find our new members' page {here}.
I'll send you an email shortly inviting you to our next event on {event date}. We hope you'll join us there. Until then, if you have any questions, please call me at {phone number}.
It's great to have you with us.
Best wishes,
{Name of club chair or group admin}
{Email address}
P.S. Your {membership type} membership renewal date is {renewal date}. {Click here} to add a reminder to your calendar or opt into our auto-renewal program {here}, so you don't miss out.
By customizing this email template for your organization or club, you'll be starting on the right foot when it comes to your member communications. Once you've perfected your first welcome email, you can begin to think about future emails and how to improve your new member welcome process continually.

New members should feel like they belong from day one. Join It helps you send warm welcomes, share important updates, and keep everyone engaged—all without the chaos of scattered spreadsheets.
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Guides from the Experts
Through our work with 1,500+ organizations - we’ve put together helpful guides to assist; regardless of where you are on your journey.

A Complete Guide to Membership Organizations
Everything you need to know to manage and grow your membership business

Maximize Membership Retention: 10 Proven Strategies
Tried and true strategies that not only win membership, but keep them

Build a Membership Website: A Step-by-Step Guide
Your one-stop resource for knowing all the features your modern membership website needs
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