community engagement

Community Engagement: Turning FOMO into Friendship

Enes Güneş
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Definition and Importance of Community Engagement

Community engagement means involving people in different activities or projects that help the community. It’s all about connecting with people meaningfully, creating a sense of belonging, and ensuring everyone's voice is heard. Whether you're a part of a local government, a non-profit, a school, or a business, engaging with your community can bring many benefits. 

Effective engagement helps everyone feel included in decision-making, strengthens social bonds, and builds trust between community members and organizations. It also benefits organizations that include the community, as they understand local needs more clearly and can create initiatives that make a difference.

This article will explore the key components, importance, and best practices for community engagement, along with some inspiring examples and a free toolkit to help you get started.

Key Components of Community Engagement


  • Communication is key for the community to stay connected and alive. 
  • Transparent, two-way communication - this is what builds trust and ensures that everyone’s voice is heard. 
  • There are various communication channels to ensure effective communication, such as social media, newsletters, and public meetings.


  • Active participation is essential for meaningful engagement.
  • Encouraging people to participate in decision-making processes, volunteer activities, and local events creates a sense of unity and collaboration.
  • Participation can be done through community forums, workshops, and collaborative projects that match the interests and needs of the community.


  • Collaboration means working together towards a common goal. When community members come together, they use resources, share responsibilities, and support each other. 
  • Effective collaboration leads to more successful results and strengthens the community's ability to solve problems and reach their goals sooner. 

Why Community Engagement Matters

Improved Member Retention Rates

When community engagement is high, members feel valued and connected. This way communities ‌may have better member retention rates, which means committed and loyal members. They are more likely to stay involved and support the community’s mission in the long run.

Reduced Churn Rate

A higher retention rate automatically leads to a lower churn rate since it enhances member satisfaction. Members who are engaged and satisfied are less likely to leave the organization. This stability allows the community to grow stronger and foster a sense of continuity.

Organic Membership Growth

People are more likely to tell others when they are excited about something. Engaged members share their good experiences and encourage others to get involved. This natural growth is sustainable and comes from real excitement and support.

Examples of Community Engagement

Local Government Initiatives

Local governments play a crucial role in community engagement by creating opportunities for residents to participate in governance and decision-making. Here are some examples: 

  • Town Hall Meetings:

Regular public meetings where residents can share concerns, ask questions, and provide feedback. And in turn, local officials can share updates and listen to community requests.

  • Participatory Budgeting:

Residents can directly influence budget allocation by proposing and voting on projects.

  • Community Policing:

Police officers can engage with residents beyond law enforcement to build trust and connections and address safety concerns.

Local governments can ensure that resources are directed toward projects that reflect the community’s priorities by involving citizens in such activities and initiatives.

Non-Profit Organizations

Non-profit organizations often rely on community engagement to achieve their missions. For instance:

  • Community Workshops and Events:

 Hosting workshops, seminars, or community events on relevant topics can help educate and empower community members.

  • Youth Engagement Programs

By involving youths in activities like after-school clubs, leadership training programs, or advocacy groups, they gain useful skills and develop into potential community leaders.

  • Volunteer Programs

Organizing volunteer activities, such as neighborhood clean-ups, food drives, or mentoring programs, positively impacts the community and allows individuals to participate actively in purposeful tasks.

Getting involved helps the community and unites people. Non-profits need to build connections and trust to meet the needs of the people they serve.

Image source: 

Educational Institutions

Educational institutions are important pillars for learning and community involvement. They don't just teach. They also have to connect with the people around them and help make the community a better place:

  • Outreach Programs

Educational institutions often have programs like tutoring, workshops, and access to computers and the Internet for people who don’t have enough resources. These programs aim to help people learn and get the skills they need to succeed.

  • Cultural Events

Cultural events and exhibitions let the community learn about different cultures and art. These events help people understand each other better and appreciate diversity. 

  • Community-Based Research

Community research projects involve community members to ensure the research benefits the community. Stakeholders help identify questions, collect data, and interpret findings, leading to solutions to community challenges.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR is a business strategy that takes into consideration the social, environmental, and economic impacts of a company's actions and relationships with its stakeholders:

  • Supporting Local Charities

Many corporations support local charities and non-profit organizations by providing financial donations, in-kind contributions, or employee volunteer hours.

  • Sponsoring Community Events

Corporations often sponsor community events such as festivals, fundraisers, or cultural celebrations. These sponsorships provide financial support for community initiatives and help corporations enhance their visibility in the community. 

  • Employee Volunteer Programs

Corporations encourage employees to volunteer by offering paid time off and organizing volunteer events. These programs help the community by providing support and improving employee morale, engagement, and job satisfaction. 

Businesses can build positive relationships and enhance their social impact by actively contributing to the community's well-being.

Best Practices for Community Engagement

Planning and Strategy

Successful community engagement requires careful planning and a clear strategy. 

  • Define community engagement goals
  • Identify key stakeholders 
  • Develop a comprehensive engagement plan (specific activities, timelines, and metrics for measuring success).


  • It is important for organizations to actively include different voices and opinions, especially from micro-communities and those who are underrepresented. 
  • This can be achieved by creating accessible opportunities for participation, overcoming language barriers,  improving content diversity, and promoting an inclusive atmosphere.


  • Clear and consistent communication is critical for building trust and maintaining engagement. 
  • Organizations should use different communication channels to connect with various community groups effectively. This can include sending out emails and using DMARC verification to ensure the deliverability of their messages.
  • Regular updates, feedback loops, and transparent reporting on progress and results to help keep community members informed and involved.
Tip: Looking to improve communication and engage more effectively with your members? Try our software, "Join It" for free! Our platform brings all your members together, making it easy to share events, post updates, send emails, and analyze member data—all in one place.
Join It simplifies member management and enhances community interaction.

Utilizing Technology

  • Online platforms, social media, and other tools help organizations reach a wider audience through social commerce and improve real-time interaction.
  • Online meetings, webinars, and forums can be used along with traditional ways of getting people involved. These make it easier for people to join in from any location.

Challenges and Solutions in Community Engagement

Common Challenges and Solutions

  • Lack of participation: Involving community members can be hard, especially if they feel left out or uninterested.

Solution: Do targeted outreach strategies, create inclusive spaces to encourage involvement, and provide incentives for participation, like offering scholarships, recognition, or opportunities for skill development.

  • Communication barriers: Language, culture, and technology differences can make contacting each other hard.

Solution: Provide translation services cultural competency training, and use different communication channels to reach a wider audience.

  • Resource constraints: Funding, time, and staff shortages can limit how much and how far outreach efforts can go.

Solution: Look for partnerships with other organizations to share resources and expertise, use modern technology to streamline processes, and prioritize engagement activities based on the resources you have at the moment.

Success Stories 


In 2022, Glen Eira City Council asked locals about improving and managing public assets. They did this through surveys and a citizens' panel.

  • STAGE ONE: Residents and groups shared opinions through an online survey from March to April 2022. The results helped shape the next stage.
  • STAGE TWO: A group of locals was randomly chosen for a citizens' panel. They looked at the council's draft Asset Plan and discussed ideas. The diverse group represented ages, genders, and areas in Glen Eira.

After 260 hours of discussion, the group made four recommendations, all of which the council implemented. Five experts helped guide the process, which lasted for 14 hours. The final report was presented to Jess Wingad, the Manager of Projects and Infrastructure at Glen Eira City Council, on May 25, 2022.

Example 2: Public Forums by Oklahoma Watch Promote Understanding and Discussion for Oklahomans 

Oklahoma Watch hosts “Oklahoma Watch-Out,” an annual forum series featuring public health and education discussions. These events attract 60-80 attendees, sometimes over 200. They hold leaders accountable and suggest solutions. The discussions are recorded and shared on, reaching 134,000 monthly views. Public radio and TV stations also feature them. Feedback is positive: 100% would attend again and 100% recommend it to others.

Example 3: Civil Cafe: Community Discussions and Engagement in Hawaii

Civil Cafe has hosted panel discussions since 2013 to encourage community conversations on pressing issues like homelessness and food sustainability. These events are inspired by topics in Civil Beat reporting. They allow people to share their ideas and join discussions with reporters moderating them.

The Civil Cafe offers a safe space for people to talk and take action together. On average, between 75 and 100 people come to the Cafe. These events helped the Civil Beat do its job. They involve the community and support people and groups who want to make a difference. 

Example 4: Cosley Zoo Membership Drive

The Cosley Zoo Membership Drive is about getting people involved and supporting the zoo's work. Before, keeping track of members was hard because of old systems like SignMeUp and Microsoft Access. But then they switched to Join It, which made things easier.

With Join It, the zoo saw a big increase in memberships – 80% more people joined. This shows how much the community cares about what the zoo does. Join It helped the zoo talk to people better and save time on paperwork. The zoo can focus more on saving animals and teaching people about wildlife by using Join It. It's a simple way for the community to support the zoo's important work.

Example 5: The Nature Conservancy's Volunteer Program

In 2018, American Express funded The Nature Conservancy's Connect with Nature program in New York City, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City. This program, part of The Nature Conservancy's broader Volunteer Program, aimed to engage urban communities with nature. In New York, volunteers joined the Gowanus Tree Network, caring for trees along the canal and initiating projects like building outdoor classrooms.

In Phoenix, there were concerns about the increasing heat. To address this, volunteers planted trees along paths. They also went on a walk to learn more about how people were experiencing the heat. These initiatives engaged hundreds of volunteers, fostering community bonds and promoting environmental stewardship in urban areas.

Image source: Volunteer-Annual-Report

Bonus: Free Community Engagement Toolkit

Community engagement is very important for public health initiatives. To help organizations create healthier communities, the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) has made the BPHC Community Engagement Toolkit. This toolkit is a complete guide that offers valuable information for planning, doing, and evaluating community health engagement efforts. Some of the important steps are:

Identify Community Stakeholders: 

  • Primary Stakeholders: Residents or staff directly affected by the issue.
  • Secondary Stakeholders: Agencies or organizations indirectly affected or directly related to primary stakeholders.
  • Key Stakeholders: Political or organizational leaders with significant influence or power over decisions.
Image source: BPHC Community Engagement Toolkit

Determine the Level of Engagement for stakeholders: 

  • Inform 
  • Consult
  • Collaborate
  • Transfer decision-making
  • Community-driven and led

Develop Communication Plan

  • Timing
  • Key message
  • Channel of communication 
  • Sender
  • Frequency 

The BPHC Community Engagement Toolkit is a helpful resource for organizations wanting to strengthen their community involvement. By guiding in identifying stakeholders, determining engagement levels, and developing effective communication plans, this toolkit gives organizations what they need to work together and make a positive difference in their communities.

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Enes Güneş
Head of Marketing

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