Through discussions with customers and through observing how organizations use our service, we noticed a few things about our communication tools:
- Organizations appreciate the ability to send a one-off renewal reminder.
- Our automated renewal reminders were great for organizations with rolling renewal periods, but some organizations wanted the ability to target the membership that expired on a specific date.
So, when an organization requested the ability to send an email based on expiration dates. This is one of those features that a customer suggests, and we think, “Of course, that should exist!”
So we built it!
These improved email filters enable:
- Filtering by Status: Administrators can select multiple statuses at once.
- Filtering by Membership Type: Include multiple membership types in one send.
- Filtering by Expiration Dates: Looking to only send to members who expired within the last 2 months? We can do that!
- Filtering by Joined Dates: Want to send to members who joined last week? No problem!
Quite a few of our organizations have already executed successful reactivation campaigns using these tools. Check it out!
Guides from the Experts
Through our work with 1,500+ organizations - we’ve put together helpful guides to assist; regardless of where you are on your journey.
A Complete Guide to Membership Organizations
Everything you need to know to manage and grow your membership business
Maximize Membership Retention: 10 Proven Strategies
Tried and true strategies that not only win membership, but keep them
Build a Membership Website: A Step-by-Step Guide
Your one-stop resource for knowing all the features your modern membership website needs
Ready to start your free trial?
Our membership software is intuitive to use and even easier to test for yourself.