member engagement

60 Tested Member Engagement Ideas for Best Practices

Enes Güneş
March 11, 2024
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Ready to unlock the secrets of transforming a community from 'meh' to 'magnificent'? 🚀

In this guide, we're diving deep into the world of community dynamics, unveiling the key ingredients that fuel epic member engagement....

Along the way, we'll sprinkle in a plethora of membership engagement ideas to inspire and guide you on your journey to creating a vibrant and active community.

Because when it comes to membership engagement best practices, we're here to turn your community into the talk of the town. 💫

“Knowledge Capsule”

Before we dive in, we'd like to present a quick information session that we fondly refer to as the "Knowledge Capsule." In each educational blog post, we ensure to share a term that is closely related to our subject matter.

Membership Momentum:

Membership Momentum refers to the dynamic and energetic force generated within a community when members are actively engaged, contributing, and participating in various initiatives and activities. It's about harnessing the collective enthusiasm and commitment of members to propel the community forward toward its goals and objectives.

Just as alchemists sought to turn base metals into gold, community managers strive to turn ordinary interactions into valuable relationships, knowledge, and experiences within their communities. It emphasizes the transformative power of community building and the potential for creating something truly valuable and enriching for all involved.

Example: In an online gaming community, the community manager launches a series of weekly challenges and competitions to encourage member participation. As members enthusiastically compete and interact with each other, Membership Momentum builds, driving increased activity, collaboration, and excitement within the community. .“

Interactive Events to Spark Interest:

Engaging members through interactive events is a cornerstone of effective membership engagement strategy. As a membership engagement specialist, it's crucial to organize activities that not only captivate members' attention but also foster meaningful connections. 

From workshops and networking mixers to panel discussions and hackathons, these events provide valuable opportunities for members to 

  • learn, 
  • collaborate, 
  • and exchange ideas within the association. 

By curating engaging experiences, we can cultivate a vibrant community of members who are actively involved and invested in the association's mission and goals.

  1. Interactive Workshops covering various topics of interest.
  2. Roundtable Discussions on pressing industry issues.
  3. Networking Mixers for members to connect in a social setting.
  4. Panel Discussions featuring experts in the field.
  5. Mentorship Programs pairing experienced members with newcomers.
  6. Field Trips to relevant industry sites or events.
  7. Hackathons encourage collaborative problem-solving.
  8. Speed Networking Sessions for quick introductions and connections.
  9. Skills Development Workshops focused on professional growth.
  10. Pitch Competitions for members to showcase innovative ideas.
Example: Engage with industry experts and fellow members at our panel discussion on sustainable practices in business.

Utilize Technology for Engagement:

In today's digital age, leveraging technology is paramount for enhancing membership engagement. As a membership engagement coordinator, it's essential to harness the power of online platforms and tools to connect with members effectively. 

Whether through 

  • webinars, 
  • virtual conferences, 
  • mobile apps or 
  • technology 

offers versatile channels for delivering valuable content and facilitating interactions. By embracing innovative solutions, associations can overcome geographical barriers and provide members with convenient access to resources and networking opportunities, thus strengthening overall engagement and participation.

  1. Online Forums for ongoing discussions and knowledge sharing.
  2. Webinars and Virtual Conferences featuring guest speakers.
  3. Mobile Apps provide easy access to resources and updates.
  4. Podcasts or Web Series sharing industry insights and member stories.
  5. Virtual Tours of relevant facilities or projects.
  6. Online Courses or Learning Modules tailored to members' interests.
  7. Social Media Challenges to encourage participation and sharing.
  8. Virtual Reality Experiences for immersive learning and engagement.
  9. Digital Workshops using video conferencing platforms.
  10. Gamified Learning Platforms to make education more engaging.
Example: Dive into the world of digital marketing with our interactive webinar series featuring industry experts.

If you are interested in utilizing membership cards as a technology to engage with your members, I recommend checking out our blog post on how membership cards can increase engagement.

Personalized Engagement Initiatives:

Personalization lies at the heart of successful membership engagement strategies. As a membership engagement specialist, crafting personalized experiences for members can significantly enhance their sense of belonging and loyalty to the association. 

  • From member spotlights 
  • personalized welcome kits 
  • birthday recognition 
  • and customized benefits,

these initiatives demonstrate the association's commitment to valuing each member as an individual. By understanding members' needs and preferences, associations can tailor their engagement efforts to foster deeper connections and cultivate a community built on mutual trust and appreciation.

  1. Member Spotlights showcasing individual contributions and achievements.
  2. Personalized Welcome Kits for new members.
  3. Birthday or Membership Anniversary Recognition with personalized messages.
  4. Feedback Surveys to gather insights and improve member experience.
  5. Customized Member Discounts or Benefits with local businesses.
  6. Member Referral Program offering incentives for bringing in new members.
  7. Virtual Coffee Chats for one-on-one connections.
  8. Member Recognition Awards for outstanding contributions.
  9. Personal Development Plans tailored to individual goals.
  10. Mentorship Circles for peer-to-peer support and guidance.
Example: Join us in celebrating Jane's membership anniversary with a personalized message and a special discount from our partners.

Community Building Activities:

Building a strong sense of community among members is essential for fostering lasting engagement within the association. As a membership engagement coordinator, organizing community-building activities plays a pivotal role in nurturing relationships and camaraderie among members. 

Whether through volunteer opportunities, social impact campaigns, or team-building retreats, these activities create opportunities for 

  • members to connect, 
  • collaborate, 
  • and make a positive impact together. 

By fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose, associations can cultivate a thriving community that actively participates in the association's initiatives and activities.

  1. Volunteer Opportunities with local nonprofits or community organizations.
  2. Social Impact Campaigns raise awareness and funds for important causes.
  3. Book Clubs or Interest Groups based on shared hobbies or interests.
  4. Community Service Projects addressing local needs.
  5. Team Building Retreats for bonding and collaboration.
  6. Wellness Challenges promoting health and self-care.
  7. Diversity and Inclusion Workshops fostering understanding and empathy.
  8. Virtual Happy Hours for informal networking and socializing.
  9. Community Clean-Up Days improving local environments.
  10. Charity Fundraisers supporting causes aligned with members' values.
Example: Make a difference in your community by joining our volunteer day at the local food bank.

Innovative Communication Channels:

Effective communication lies at the core of successful membership engagement. As a membership engagement specialist, exploring innovative communication channels can help associations connect with members more effectively. Whether through 

  • podcasts, 
  • interactive quizzes, 
  • or virtual office hours, 

these channels offer dynamic ways to engage with members and solicit their feedback and ideas. 

By embracing new technologies and platforms, associations can create engaging and interactive experiences that resonate with members, fostering stronger connections and driving greater participation in association events.

  1. Podcast Episodes featuring member interviews and success stories.
  2. Interactive Quizzes or Polls to gather feedback and insights.
  3. Virtual Office Hours for direct communication with leadership.
  4. Online Member Forums for ongoing discussions and collaboration.
  5. Video Messages from leadership sharing updates and insights.
  6. Member Surveys to gather feedback on events and initiatives.
  7. Live Q&A Sessions with industry experts or thought leaders.
  8. Member Blog Contributions sharing expertise and experiences.
  9. Slack Channels for real-time communication and collaboration.
  10. Collaborative Document Platforms for sharing resources and knowledge.

Example: Join us for a live Q&A session with our industry expert to get your burning questions answered.

In-Person Engagement Initiatives:

While digital communication channels offer convenience and accessibility, in-person engagement initiatives remain invaluable for building meaningful connections among members. As a membership engagement coordinator, 

  • organizing local meetups, 
  • industry conferences, 
  • and networking dinners and event ideas provide opportunities for members to connect face-to-face and deepen relationships.

These in-person interactions foster a sense of camaraderie and belonging within the association, strengthening member loyalty and engagement. By combining digital and in-person engagement efforts, associations can create a holistic membership experience that caters to diverse preferences and enhances overall engagement and satisfaction.

  1. Local Meetups for members in the same area to connect face-to-face.
  2. Industry Conferences or Trade Shows with discounted member rates.
  3. Networking Dinners bring members together over a meal.
  4. Leadership Roundtables for in-depth discussions with organizational leaders.
  5. Lunch and Learn Sessions covering relevant industry topics.
  6. Member Appreciation Events to thank members for their support.
  7. Professional Development Seminars tailored to members' career goals.
  8. Alumni Reunions for reconnecting with past members.
  9. Industry Tours visiting relevant facilities or businesses.
  10. Innovation Workshops exploring new trends and technologies in the field.
Example: Connect with fellow members in your area at our upcoming networking dinner and share insights over a delicious meal.

Success Story: Democrats of the Red Rocks Achieve Remarkable Membership Growth with Join It

Join It: Empowering Membership Growth at Democrats of the Red Rocks

     Before Join It:

  • Membership Management: Required manual handling, leading to substantial time and resource expenditure.
  • Renewal Hassles: Annual renewals on December 31 posed a considerable workload burden on the membership team.
  • Technological Challenges: Older members encountered difficulties navigating technology due to limited tech-savviness.

Read more about how Democrats of the Red Rocks achieved remarkable membership growth and streamlined operations after integrating Join It.

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Enes Güneş
Head of Marketing

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