Group Membership Management

Based on direct feedback from our organizations, we've released a bundle of improvements for our Group Memberships features!

March 25, 2021

Within Join It, organizations can set up their Memberships to be for 'Individuals' (default) or 'Groups' -- a group membership means that 1 person can purchase on behalf of a number of members, and the price doesn't vary dependent on the number of folks in the 'group' (though, a quantity minimum and limit can be set). 

This feature has been around for a little while, and we've received quite a bit of feedback in our forum:

  • Ability to Add Existing Memberships to a Group (link on Feedback Board)
  • While org admins could previously add new members to groups by creating a new Membership record, org admins couldn't import existing members. 
  • Now, org admins can search for new members to add to a Group (note: the memberships must be the same Membership Type as the Group). 
  • Ability to Bulk Update status for all Group Members (link on Feedback Board)
  • Sometimes, organizations want to update the Status of all Memberships in a Group, but they would be forced to go through and update each of those Memberships.
  • Now, we provide a tool that allows them to Bulk Update the Status of Memberships across an entire group.
  • Ability to Change Name of Group
  • Org admins can now update the name of a Group 

As always, we'd love to thank our community for providing us with this feedback. 

If there are any questions or concerns, then please email ( or chat us!

Any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there discounts available?
What currency are the prices for the Packages listed in?
Can my organization collect donations with Join It? 
Why does Join It charge a service fee? 
How is Join It's service fee different from Stripe's payment processing fee? 
Still have questions?