Behind The Scenes at Join It: The Tools We Use

Behind The Scenes at Join It: The Tools We Use

Taryn Hefner
September 14, 2021
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Ever wonder how some of your favorite companies work on a day-to-day basis? Wonder no more! Take a peek at what we use to keep Join It running smoothly. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite tool for your own business. 


We know MailChimp is one of the best email services around, which is why we integrate with it so you can use it as well! We keep track of our automated emails, newsletters, and so much more in our MailChimp account. 


Later is what we use to schedule our social media posts, gather mentions, and respond to comments! It’s a great, visual way for our marketing team to ensure we have all our bases covered. 


Our blog is hosted on a headless CMS called ButterCMS. It’s so easy to use, and we’re able to schedule blog posts, create new landing pages, and updated existing pages easily without needing to bother the development team! It saves us a ton of time. 


Monday is a personal favorite. We track everything from individual tasks to editorial calendars, social media posts, and email automations on Monday. We even have our sprint planning there to keep us on track! It’s a flexible, visual, color code-able tool made to fit any team. (I even have my own separate Monday account for my household task tracking needs!) 


Intercom is a beautiful, intuitive, and organized platform for our award-winning customer service team! It allows for email, live chat, and resolution chatbot integrations so you can always be in touch with your customers. 


For all our documentation, we have a company wiki on Notion. It’s the perfect place for our onboarding documents, product definitions, boilerplate messaging, and instructions for the website! It’s so easy to use and quick to customize, so we don’t waste time figuring out how formatting and linking work. 

Wrapping Up 

Deciding which tools to use is almost as long a process as getting them implemented into a daily workflow! We’re pretty happy with our little combination of tools. Do you use any of the same tools we do? Let us know! 

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Taryn Hefner
Head of Marketing

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